Uses of Interface

Packages that use Listened

Uses of Listened in rafa

Classes in rafa that implement Listened
 class NamedListened
          Implementation for named objects which notify their listeners of any changes.

Uses of Listened in rafa.math.filter

Classes in rafa.math.filter that implement Listened
 class CropFilter
          Filter for values exceeding some given limits.
 class FitFilter
          Filter which shrinks or stretches a range of numbers to accommodate them within the given limits.
 class LimitingFilter
          Filter to limit values within a given range.
 class ScaleFilter
          Filter to modify values by scaling them using a factor, around an axis.
A simple use of this filter can be the inversion of values (factor = -1).
 class ShiftFilter
          Simple filter to modify values by summing a constant.

Uses of Listened in rafa.math.gen

Subinterfaces of Listened in rafa.math.gen
 interface INumberGenerator

Classes in rafa.math.gen that implement Listened
 class FilteredGenerator
          Wrapper around a generator to filter/manipulate the produced values.
Note that, in contrast to the FilterStrategy , objects of this class can use any ListFilter and not only SingleValueFilters.
 class NumberGenerator
          Generates values according to the implemented logic.

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