Package rafa.math.gen

Interface Summary
GeneratorStrategy The strategy used by a generator to produce values.

Class Summary
ConstantStrategy This engine returns a constant value.
DiscontinuousFunctionStrategy This engine returns values taken from a list of fragments taken from number generators, in an ordered way.
The length of the last fragment does not limit the ability to generate more values, as the last generator will be used to that end.
Objects of this class can detect changes in the provider generators.
FilteredGenerator Wrapper around a generator to filter/manipulate the produced values.
Note that, in contrast to the FilterStrategy , objects of this class can use any ListFilter and not only SingleValueFilters.
FilterStrategy Strategy based on filtering values provided by other generator.
Function Wrapper around a MESP parser, which simplifies the task of retrieving automatically non-default functions from named generators in the NameRegistry.
FunctionStrategy Generates values according to a mathematical function.
GeneratorDependency Dependency of a NumberGenerator on another one.
NumberGenerator Generates values according to the implemented logic.
NumberGeneratorFragment Fragment of values taken from a NumberGenerator .
RandomStrategy This enging returns a random value.
SerialStrategy Generates a series of values.

Enum Summary
GeneratorDependency.Property Property keys used to construct a dependency between generators.
INumberGenerator.Property Properties offered by this object to change listeners.
SerialStrategy.Output Mechanism for choosing values from the series.

Exception Summary
DependentGeneratorException Exception thrown when a change in one generator is not acceptable for another one which uses it.
ExistingNameException Thrown when a name already existing conflicts with a newly assigned one.
InvalidFunctionException Exception thrown when a function is not valid because of a variable or helper function not being defined previously.
InvalidNameException Thrown whenever a generator name is invalid.

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